How to Determine If You Need a New Roof
Perhaps you’ve noticed missing shingles, weak spots, or even sunlight seeping into your attic. These issues could indicate that you need minor roof repairs, [...]
Increasing Your Home’s Energy Efficiency
Many people want to increase their energy efficiency. It saves money, which is a huge benefit. It also can help reduce your carbon footprint. [...]
Energy Efficient Windows Decrease Utility Bills
One of the best ways to save some cash on monthly utility bills is to update the windows in an existing home. Adding energy [...]
The Importance of Attic Ventilation
Your home's roofing system is under constant attack from the outside, with wind, rain, sun and hail all taking a toll and shortening its [...]
A Quick Guide to Roofing Terminology
Are you starting a new roofing project? As you get into a groove with a roofing contractor, you may hear some odd things come [...]
Dark vs. Light Colored Shingles
When it comes time for your roof replacement, you probably think that you will just look at the color choices and decide which your [...]