One of the best ways to save some cash on monthly utility bills is to update the windows in an existing home. Adding energy efficient windows can pay for itself in just a few years. Modern window technology ensures that the thermal transfer from a home is at a minimum while adding beauty and style.

Low-e Glass

You’ve likely heard the term, “low-e glass,” before, but do you know the technology behind the term? This type of glass has an extremely thin, invisible coating that reflects certain wavelengths of light that create heat. Low-e glass is very effective at keeping the heat out of your home in the summer and preventing heat loss in the winter. Despite being microscopic, this glazing is extremely effective in filtering out the unwanted light wavelengths, while still allowing visible light to pass through the glass and into the home.

Multiple Panes and Spacers

New energy efficient windows normally have double or triple panes with a small space between the sheets of glass. This space is actually an integral element in the fight against thermal transfer both in and out of the home. Older styles used metal as the spacer material, while newer technology uses foam products that are much better insulators. Additionally, some windows have an argon gas injected between the panels for increased insulation.

Tints and Other Coatings

Some homes have a window, or a particular wall that gets hammered by the sun in the summer months. There are coatings and tints designed to block out certain wavelengths of light that can substantially increase the efficiency of certain windows. For those in the climates with cold winters and hot summers, consider new windows that have a Solar-heat-gain coefficient of around 0.5 for efficiency during all seasons.

Replacing existing windows can pay for itself in as little as two years. Adding new, energy efficient windows will pay off in both comfort level and expenses. Modern technology offers many choices for effective replacement windows.

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